

每年秋天,财务计划和预算办公室进行资本预算 要求项目. As part of that project, “Computer/Technical Enhancement” 请求s 被认为是. However, unlike other capital budget 请求 categories, “Computer/Technical “增强”的要求需要教务处和教务处之间的协作过程 IT. As a result, the process for these 请求s has created some confusion and, in some instances, duplication of 请求s. The following information is provided in the hopes of clarifying the process and the logic behind that process. 按照 with the procedures established by the Financial Planning and 预算ing Office, there are three basic categories for IT Systems and Equipment:   

  • Desktop computers and shared printers (under the four-year replacement plan). 请注意: 这不是部门资本预算申请流程的一部分,因此 handled strictly through IT by means of the procedure explained below.
  • Major IT systems and equipment (Academic Affairs/IT capital budget 请求).
  • Minor IT systems and equipment (departmental 活动经费预算 请求).

Desktop 电脑 and Shared Printers (Four-Year Replacement Plan)

目前针对台式电脑和共享打印机的“四年更换计划” 不是通过部门资本预算申请流程来处理的,而是, the plan is administered separately through IT’s capital budget. The four-year replacement 计划涵盖库存的电脑设备,包括所有以单位换单位的设备更换 以及为合格的新员工和即将到来的终身教职员工提供的新设备. 

每年秋天,用户服务主任(或指定的人)将与部门联系 在设备更换领域的主席或项目主管 four-year replacement plan. To begin the process, current equipment will be identified and inventoried and a needs assessment will be conducted. The needs assessment will 包括考虑增加或减少人员,技术要求 个人教职员工,平台迁移(Mac到PC或反之亦然),以及 changes in configuration; e.g., desktop to laptop, etc. Unless otherwise approved, 每个确定要更换的部件都将用相应的标准进行更换 配置单元. Incoming tenure-track faculty, prior to arrival, will be given a choice between a desktop unit or a laptop unit, but not both. 对接站是 现在作为IT四年替换计划预算的一部分,因此将会 no longer require purchase and funding from department 活动经费预算 funds. 电脑  除非事先获得特别批准,否则不得用启动资金购买 from the 学院院长’s Office.

Major IT Systems and Equipment

用户服务主任(或指定的人)将与各部门主席一起工作 或项目主管确定超出单位对单位的额外需求 替换包括标准计算机之外的独特配置 configuration identified by IT and any off-cycle equipment replacement needs. 一个教师 会员(须经其主席或董事事先批准)须与本会联络 与用户服务总监讨论额外或非循环需求,然后提供 将这些信息提交给他或她的主席或主管,并通过部门提交 capital budget 请求 process.

用户服务总监的职责是综合所有与It相关的内容 请求并提供反馈,包括定价和产品信息 主席或董事. It then becomes the chair’s or director’s responsibility to submit “电脑/技术改进”要求(位于“类别”下的下拉列表中) through the capital budget 请求 process. Each 请求 must be submitted individually 并且必须包括以下内容:要求的教学理由 用户服务部提供的定价和产品信息; 最后,在其他请求中指定优先级 the department or program.  

所有与教务/资讯科技有关的资本预算申请,必须由 部门主席或项目主任,不接受个人通过 IT. Examples of such Academic Affairs/IT-related capital budget 请求s include:

  • 某一部门或程序在技术上需要替换某一非周期的计算机 the two-year mark (versus the standard four-year cycle).
  • 一个部门或项目在教学上需要从IT的标准配置升级 to a more robust platform.
  • 一个部门或项目需要在一个特定的教室里增加一台投影仪或电脑 identified as not currently in line for a projection unit.
  • 一个系或项目代表一名教员要求一台实验室计算机 covered by his or her own startup or grant funds.
  • 一个系或项目代表一名教员希望拥有一台计算机 更换的是最初在四年更换范围之外购买的 plan, for example, with startup or grant funds. These computers are not identified or maintained in the four-year replacement plan. 请注意:  这些申请不是自动的,需要事先得到学院院长的批准 the Faculty’s Office before the department or program submits such a 请求.
  • 一个部门或项目需要升级某些软件(超过1000美元) due to technology changes imposed by IT; i.e., operating system upgrades such as Tiger (10.4)到Leopard (10).5).

申请提交后,由学院院长/教务副院长负责 会否进一步评估每项要求,并与资讯科技部门合作,以确定每项要求的权重 请求. Requests that are approved by the DOF/VPAA are then forwarded to the Financial 规划及预算办公室与资讯科技一起考虑预算. 经最终批准的教务/信息技术相关资金预算申请,资金 will then be allocated to the IT capital budget for approved 请求s. 那就是 用户服务部主任有责任与各部门主席合作 或项目主管就所有已批准的采购请求进行采购.

Minor IT Systems and Equipment

小型设备需求,如软件、个人扫描仪、数码相机等., 低于1,000美元的费用应作为其部门的一部分提交 活动经费预算 through the annual 活动经费预算 请求 process. 导演 可与所有主席和董事交谈,无论是否 在定价方面,他们的部门在四年的替换计划中处于什么位置 以及产品信息. Once approved, these funds are deposited into each department’s 活动经费预算. 导演 of User Services is available at that time to facilitate 购买.

Computer Hardware/Software 资金申请流程—Administration

以上所有规定均适用于行政机关,董事除外 每个部门都应该审查他们各自领域的类似请求 respective division heads. Each capital 请求 is submitted by the department and 最后的审议工作由财务规划和预算办公室联合进行 用它.